Thoughts on spirituality, psychology, and life in general.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dan's Birthday, Jon's Apartment and Reflecting on the Seasons of Life

Beth’s Journal Entry for August 12, 2010 -- Twenty-one years ago today my friends’ baby Daniel was born. His birth was a momentous occasion that I’ll never forget. His parents had been awaiting his arrival for years…literally. Unable to create a child biologically, they were ecstatic at the news that they had been selected by a pregnant woman to adopt her baby. The birth of every baby is a thrilling phenomenon, but perhaps in circumstances such as my friends’, the excitement level is even more extreme.

Sixteen months later, my husband’s and my first baby was born and a few months after that Daniel’s parents adopted twins. So, my son Jonathan began his life blessed with three little pals and I was blessed with a wonderful friend who enlisted with me in this journey, this adventure called motherhood. For four or five years we saw each other several times a week and together we carted our babies all over South Florida. It was very difficult to leave these friends when we eventually moved away. They were like family. We went back to visit them - frequently in the beginning, but less frequently as years went by. Once after we had visited them, Jonathan told me that Daniel had introduced him as being his cousin to one of their neighbors. Even though Jonathan knew it wasn’t accurate he said it made him feel so good that he didn’t have the heart to correct him. I can see why Daniel thought that, though. Our relationship seemed deeper than simply friendship. As so often happens, however, the miles between us served to create unintended distance in our friendship and we only occasionally see them or talk to them now. Of course, our love for one another remains steadfast.

As I imagine Daniel this morning, I picture him rising out of bed, sweet and sleepy headed like when he was a little boy. It’s almost impossible for me to envision him as a twenty-one year old young man. People have a way of staying stuck in your mind the way they were when you last saw them. Daniel’s siblings and my son Jonathan will be twenty years-old this fall. They’re all in college. Today, in fact, my family and I will load up all of Jonathan’s worldly possessions and move him into his very first apartment near his college campus.

It’s a time of many “firsts” for these kids now, just as it was a time of “firsts” for us so many years ago when we had them. I guess we older adults are still experiencing some “firsts,” though. For the first time in a long time, Daniel’s mom is working at a job outside of the home. Soon, she and her husband will experience being empty nesters and in a few years, so will my husband and I. The changing seasons of life continually provide us with “firsts,” some of which we’d rather not have, but happiness will elude us if we remain only in love with one particular season. All of the seasons are valuable and present us with many lessons to experience and blessings to enjoy.

So this morning as I sit in my living room drinking my coffee, I lift my mug in a toast to you, Daniel. Happy 21st Birthday. I lift my mug to Daniel’s mom. Thank you for being such a loving and supportive friend at a time in my life when I really needed you. I lift my mug to my own precious son Jonathan and promise that I will try very hard not to cry today when I leave you at your very first apartment. And, I make a vow to myself to embrace every season of my life knowing that each one is special and has within it many unique and wonderful gifts to treasure.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

1 comment:

Activating Your Power said...

Your story is so beautifully written, that I find tears wanting to surface

Also thank you for writing your blog and fo me to remember my firsts.